
A Humble Introduction

Hi there and welcome to my blog! I am The Nearly Virgin Gardener.

I suppose I have a wee bit of explaining to do:
This blog will be a record of my education in gardening, farming, and cooking. I have helped my father garden before, so I have a small basis of knowledge that must be revived from the recesses of my memory (delightful). I started this blog originally as a project for my Botany class but I wanted to be able to stretch it beyond the limits of the class and really learn some life skills in the process.

Something that is becoming increasingly important in today's society is buying local and becoming self-sustainable. Unfortunately for a college student, such as myself, a completely self-sustainable life is very difficult due to the annual (and sometimes semi-annual) relocation with no promise of a yard large enough for chickens, goats, and large gardens. This will be one of the issues I discuss weekly: trying to grow a garden that can be moved from place to place with very little to no damage to the vegetables and fruits; I will be exploring various potting options for both functionality and aesthetic appeal. Additionally, each week I will be visiting the farmers market to purchase in-season veggies and will use my market finds to create a meal the following day.

In keeping with the guidelines of the project I will also be discussing a "Vegetable/Fruit of the Week," in which I will talk about when the plant is in season, the best growing conditions (i.e. sunlight, water, etc), and various other background information.

And, for fun, every once in a while I will throw in some info about related books, magazines, or even music I like to listen to when gardening.

Please enjoy,


  1. The blog looks excellent Heather. I'm looking forward to your next post already! Thanks for linking my blog too! I think I might make that picture my banner.

  2. Heather I love your blog. Great intro! Can not wait to see the posts that follow!
